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Our Therapeutic Programs

Pro-Therapeutic Program

Duration: 10 weeks

Frequency: 1 session per week



Benefit 1:
Consistent Guidance
Regular weekly sessions provide stable, ongoing support, fostering trust and relationship building.
Benefit 2:
Goal-Oriented Development
Focuses on setting and achieving personal and educational goals over a substantial period.
Benefit 2: 
Deep Engagement
Allows for in-depth exploration of personal challenges and successes, enhancing personal growth and self-awareness.
Benefit 3:
Long-term Skill Building
Gradual development of emotional regulation, life skills and positive role modelling over ten weeks.

 How Mentoring Impacts our Vulnerable Young People?

✅  Improved Relationships & Social Skills: 


✅  Increased Self-Esteem & Confidence:


✅  Support for Education & Career Goals: 


✅  Positive Role Modelling: 


✅  Personal & Emotional Support: 




New Wave Engage mentors meet with the young person and their family. Introducing themselves and outlining the steps in the program. It is an opportunity to get to know the young person’s interests and build rapport. This is key in gaining trust and building a relationship that is focused on the young person in partnership with their families and care givers. Sessions will include meeting at the young person’s home initially, learning the care environment and who is important to them.


During the connection process mentors talk about goals and skill development young people have. This step encourages young people to think about where they are at, what their interests are, where they want to be and what is important to them. Through the use of active listening, guided training sessions and one on one activities mentors build in partnership with young people to start setting goals. Mentors also reflect back to families and casework team to discuss these goals and what is needed to assist young people to achieve them.


Building community connection and relationships is key to ensuring young people feel a sense of connection and responsibility to their community. Through this community work mentors work hard to give young people, parents/carers, families and communities skills and courage to keep children connected. Being culturally competent within the community means we understand how culture can influence and shape young people’s values, ethics and beliefs. Through community outreach and volunteering we teach children/young people to care, respect and connect to their community of belonging.

Sessions are tailored individually and can include assisting with household tasks including lawn mowing, volunteering in the community through outreach programs and importantly connecting them back to their community resources.


New Wave Engage provides young people with the skills to negotiate relationships,  understand respect, make them feel open in sharing their stories and highlights their strengths. It is an opportunity to work as part of a team and to build self-motivation, discipline and emotional regulation. Our sessions during this block focus on self-development, relating back to the goals young people set in Stage 2. These sessions assist in young people to build positive relationships, understand that they are not alone and model healthy relationships. We understand relationships are keys to success and are the best chance of keeping young people safe. It is an important process to see young people are whole people, acknowledge their strengths, their challenges and that positive growth is possible.

Session Length

2 hours 'face to face' Mentoring + Travel time & Report writing

Progress Report

A Progress Report of each session will be provided to a participants Caseworker

Qualified Team Members

Our team members are trained and qualified - WWCC, Criminal Records Clearances and First Aid training


Our referral process into the program is considering the young person referred to our program, identifying needs for the young person and identifying risk taking behaviours. Our allocation process reviews the referral information provided by caseworkers and matches each young person with a specific mentor.

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